Sunday, April 02, 2006


I had my biggest ever winning day today. It included a win in a £20 STT. The prize was £100. It's the first time I've played in a £20 tourney. It was a bit looser than I'd thought. I was short stacked early on too.

In the first hand, I was dealt AQo in mid position. I called a raise of 60 chips along with one other. There was an ace on the flop. The raiser then bet 250 chips. I called. But, the other guy went all-in. The raised called, but I folded. I thought perhaps someone had flopped a set or 2 pair. As it turned out, I'd have won the hand. The raiser had pocket 10's and the other guy had A10. But there we go. Ironically, it me and the 'other guy' that fought heads-up. Justice was done as I should really have knocked him out in the first hand.

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